

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是: To provide information to 十大菠菜台子 (University) on issues related to occupational and environmental health and safety, 和火和生命安全.

政策: 环境健康和安全办公室(EH)&S)负责开发, implementation and management of University policies and procedures that are designed to protect employees from occupational illness/injury, 保护校园人员和建筑物免受火灾伤害, protect the University from fines and penalties for failure to comply with environmental health and safety rules and regulations, and protect the environment and surrounding community from injury/illness resulting from improper handling/disposal of hazardous materials on campus.

适用范围及适用性: 这项政策适用于所有教职员工、学生、供应商、承包商和校园访客.


有管辖权的机关: 管理流程和遵从性的政府机构、子机构或所有权机构.

Biohazardous材料:对环境有重大影响的有害生物材料, 农业, 对生物体造成疾病, 包括人类, 动植物. 生物有害物质包括重组DNA、传染性生物(如.e. 细菌、真菌、寄生虫、朊病毒、立克次体、病毒等.)、含有感染性有机体的组织和生物活性制剂(如.e. 毒素、过敏原和毒液).

合规计划: A program which consists of any/all policies and procedures that must be implemented at the University in order to comply with a specific regulation. 该计划可能包括文件、培训计划和其他教育材料.

合规计划指导手册: A manual or guidance document that describes in detail the methods that 十大菠菜台子 will employ in order to comply with relevant regulatory standards. 这些包括, 但不限于:生物安全, 血源性病原体接触控制, 化学卫生计划, 密闭空间进入, 危害传播(密歇根州-知情权), 危险废物管理, 医疗废物, 权力停摆, 辐射安全, 呼吸保护计划和肺结核接触控制.

出口访问: 指通往“出口”的建筑走廊和楼梯井。, 而“出口”是门, 或提供的其他方式, 向远离火灾和烟雾的安全区域开放.

危险废物: A waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment and/or that exhibits at least one of the following characteristics – ignitability, 腐蚀性, 反应性, 或毒性. 危险废物可以是液体, 固体, 包含气体, 或者是污泥,可以是生产过程的副产品,也可以是废弃的商业产品, 比如清洗液或杀虫剂.

机构生物安全委员会: 生物有害物质的使用由机构生物安全委员会管理. All proposed 使用 of Biohazardous材料 must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee. 一旦获得批准, 生物危险材料的使用者必须遵守所有适用的使用规则和指导方针, 存储, 运输和处理所有潜在的人类病原体. Compliance is then monitored and enforced by the Laboratory Compliance Manager who acts as the University’s 生物安全官, 并担任生物安全委员会成员. 生物安全主任, 在研究副教务长的指导下, will enforce all aspects of the University’s Select Agent Program per the requirements of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rules and regulations.

实验室安全委员会: 一般实验室活动, 包括使用实验室化学品, 用品和设备, 都由实验室安全委员会处理. 任何/所有问题、问题、疑问等. related to laboratory safety are reviewed by the 实验室安全 Committee for guidance and consultation. Approval and enforcement authority are the responsibility of the Laboratory Compliance Manager acting as the University’s Chemical Hygiene Officer and 实验室安全 Committee Chair.

职业安全规例: 规章,条例:规定与工作场所安全有关的行为的规则、条例或法律.

环境、健康和安全办公室: EH&S主要分为两类职责:

  1. 职业和环境安全包括:
  1. 保护环境和公众健康,包括空气、水和土地.
  1. 参与大学防止雨水污染委员会.
  1. 危险废物管理.
  1. 职业健康和生命安全包括:
  1. 职业危害包括员工培训、法规遵从和工业卫生
  1. 大学健康与安全委员会主席

  2. 参与大学流行病规划工作队
  1. 消防与生命安全.

  2. 施工安全

  3. 实验室安全包括辐射安全、生物安全和化学卫生.
  1. 实验室安全委员会主席

  2. 参与辐射安全委员会

  3. 参与机构生物安全委员会. 
大流行规划工作队: 该委员会 will address the University’s 业务 Continuity Planning and Infection Control Planning in preparation for a pandemic or other health emergency or any emergency related closure.

辐射安全委员会: 电离辐射的使用, 包括放射性同位素和产生辐射的机器, 是由辐射安全委员会管理的. All proposed 使用 of ionizing radiation on the University campus must first be reviewed and approved by the 辐射安全 Committee. 一旦获得批准, 电离辐射的使用者必须遵守联邦, 状态, 大学和辐射安全委员会的使用规则, 存储, 放射性同位素和产生辐射的机器的运输和处置. Said compliance is then monitored and enforced by the Laboratory Compliance Manager who acts as the University’s 辐射安全 Officer and who serves as a member of the 辐射安全 Committee.

选择代理程序: 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)规定了这种行为, 使用 and transfer of select agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety. The Select Agent Program oversees these activities and registers all laboratories and other entities in the United 状态s of America that possess, 使用, 或者转移一种选定的药剂或毒素.

防止雨水污染委员会: 该委员会 will address the requirements of the National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) including management of the University’s Stormwater Permit Application.

大学健康及安全委员会: 委员会将与EH合作&为大学制定健康和安全计划. 该委员会, 通过主席(环境健康和生命安全经理), 会担任大学的谘询小组, will apprize the Administration and make recommendations for the correction or potentially unsafe practices and conditions. 


A. 确保合规性

When an Occupational Safety Regulation is deemed applicable to the University’s activities and/or conditions, 的是吗&工作人员对监管文本进行审查, and generate a Compliance Program which consists of any/all policies and procedures that must be implemented at the University in order to comply with the regulation, 从而保护大学员工. [Note: Occupational Safety Regulations provide the minimum requirements toward this goal; 的是吗&S has the right and responsibility to add any reasonable requirements to the Compliance Program as deemed necessary. 每个合规计划应在合规计划指导手册(手册)中进行描述。, 哪一个分配给一线主管, 经理, 等.,任何/所有受该规例影响的部门. EH&S还应根据需要经常发布本手册的更新.

EH&S shall train and test supervisors (and their current employees if so desired by the supervisors) in topics explicitly 符合合规计划的要求, 除了EH认为必要的以外&S. Supervisory training sessions and tests shall be repeated regularly (at a minimum as often as is explicitly required by the regulation).


1. 收到合规计划指导手册;

2. 完成培训;

3. passed the associated examination; and

4. 收到培训材料和空白考试, 他/她的职责(或其指定人员的职责)如下:
  • 安排任何/所有材料的资金, 供应, 设备, 诸如此类, 符合合规计划的要求.

  • 记录保存(包括提交给EH的所有记录的副本)&(如有要求).

  • Monitoring and enforcing employee compliance; utilizing any/all disciplinary resources allowed whenever employees fail to comply.

  • 安排所有员工入职后10天内的培训和测试.

  • 按规定的时间间隔协调现有员工的培训/测试.

  • 提交任何/所有已完成测试的复印件给EH&S用于分级和数据库输入. 注意:嗯&S维护所有员工培训记录的主数据库.

  • 引起EH的注意&如有任何问题及时解答, 担忧, 或问题, 一般说来,与法规遵从或安全有关的.

B. 紧急程序-火灾

火警 -当大学大楼内的紧急疏散警报响起时,所有人员将立即撤离 立即 从最近的出口有序离开大楼. 对于那些需要特别考虑的操作, 特殊疏散计划必须得到EH的批准&S and steps 立即 initiated to secure the operation and evacuate personnel as soon as is practical.

  • 疏散 -在任何情况下都不能留下任何员工, 或者返回到, 被疏散的建筑物, 除非他们先获得十大菠菜台子警察局(OUPD)的许可, 当地警察或消防官员, 和/或OUPD发出“所有清除”. 目睹未经授权人员留在公司的员工, 或者重新进入建筑物, 是否应将此情况提请开发计划署注意, 当地警察或消防官员.
  • 使用电梯 -为了保护他们自己, 教师, 工作人员, 游客, 在紧急疏散期间,学生和供应商将避免使用电梯.
  • 安全距离 - Emergency responders require all persons to remain at least 100 feet away from evacuated buildings to enable rescue/responding vehicles and personnel to enter and exit the buildings quickly and safely.

C. 演习

EH&S将按要求安排、监督和保存每次非宿舍消防演习的记录. 根据要求安排和维护宿舍消防演习的记录.

  • 每一个警报都必须被视为 实际的紧急, University 教师 and 工作人员 are directed NOT to call the police dispatcher to determine whether the alarm is a drill.

D. 出口和出口访问的使用

  • Employees must never obstruct exit-access (building corridors and stairwells leading up to exits) OR exits (i.e., 与家具, 存储, 显示, 自动售货机, 等), 并应立即向EH报告他们可能遇到的任何此类障碍&S.

  • 楼梯间的防火门(除非设计), constructed and installed to close automatically in the event of a fire) are to remain closed at all times and should NEVER be propped open (e.g.比如椅子、门挡等.). 任何/所有“撑开”装置应立即拆除.

  • 出口标志应在任何时候都有适当的照明,不应阻碍或阻挡视线. 遇到任何妨碍的物品时,应立即移除(和/或报告给EH)&S.

  • Exits or exit-access doors should never be locked (unless the doors are equipped with panic hardware or other approved means to permit emergency egress by building occupants). 违规行为应立即报告给EH&S.

E. 消防设备

  • 篡改, 妨碍或以任何方式干扰消防设备的, 包括但不限于:烟雾探测器, 拉站, 灭火器, 洒水装置, 禁止使用喇叭和/或闪光灯.

  • All fire protection 设备 shall be installed in compliance with applicable codes and standards under the supervision of EH&S(或其指定人员),并且必须在投入使用之前获得批准.

  • 所有灭火器的通道必须始终保持畅通, 火警, 以及其他紧急消防设备. 绝不能阻止使用这台设备. 障碍物应立即清除并报告给EH&S.

F. 防火及消防安全系统


十大菠菜台子 recognizes and hereby establishes the 使用 of the following codes and standards related to fire safety: 


密歇根州消费者和工业服务部, 消防安全局和国家消防安全委员会, 根据第3号法案第3c节. 207 of the Public Acts of 1941 (which establishes rules that apply to these types of buildings and references additional standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)).

All other buildings at the University must be constructed to the standards established by the most recently adopted edition of the Michigan Construction Code, 并应符合NFPA 101和NFPA 1建立的标准.  
  1. 图则及规格
  1. 希望建造的部门或个人, 将......添加到......, 修改, 修复, or remodel any building or portion of a building that may affect the building’s fire protection features or its fire safety systems, 是否须经环境卫生署审核及批准才可进行&S和设施管理(FM).

  2. 希望安装的部门或个人, 删除, 修复, 或修改任何火灾报警器, 火灾探测, 或灭火系统只有经EH审查和批准后才能这样做&S.

  3. 2 .任何项目的详细计划和规格. a. 和2. b. 以上必须提交给EH并经其批准&S和FM. Submitted documents will be reviewed to ensure compliance with any/all generally accepted and/or adopted fire code guidelines.
  1. Plans and specifications must include: drawings of sufficient detail so that the extent and nature of the work is clearly identified, 所用材料的规格说明, 以及保险商实验室的清单和设计编号.  
  1. 检查及入住批准
  1. 所有项目都需要EH的最终检查和批准&S和/或州或地方消防局长,在项目入住和/或关闭之前.
  1. Projects that involve the concealment of any work will be required to be inspected by the appropriate office or agency prior to any concealment.

  2. 各建设项目的校级项目经理任, 或者正式指定, an individual to handle/coordinate health and safety matters; this individual will act as liaison to EH&安排任何/所有需要的会议、提交、检查等.

  3. 任何被发现不符合规定的工作, 或没有得到适当的办公室或机构的批准, must be corrected at the direction of the appropriate office or agency; any/all costs associated with the correction(s) shall be the responsibility of the department that initiated the original project.
  1. 非法活动及设备
  1. 烹饪, grilling and the 使用 of unapproved cooking appliances are prohibited except in areas designated for such 使用 or with the written approval of the 权威 Having Jurisdiction.

  2. 使用任何未经授权的电气设备(i.e. 禁止使用空间加热器、热板、烤架.

  3. 禁止露天燃烧、火焰和燃烧蜡烛或可燃物.  
  1. 篝火
  1. 只有在获得EH的许可后才能允许篝火&S and in conjunction with an organized event and/or facility rental for a recognized University function.

G. 实验室安全

  1. EH&在三(3)个相关安全委员会的指导下, provides consultation and operational support to the academic and research community in an effort to maintain a safe and healthful working and learning environment 


  • 实验室合规经理, 担任辐射安全主任, 生物安全官, 及化学卫生主任, 是否会定期对实验室进行公告和未公告的合规审核.

  • Failure to maintain a safe and regulatory compliant working and teaching laboratory environment will result in corrective action, up to and including the closure of the offending laboratory and the revocation of the privilege to 使用 regulated substances at the University.

  • 这是系主任的责任, Principal Investigators and Laboratory Managers to ensure that research and teaching labs are free of hazards and in compliance with all applicable regulations and guidelines. 

H. 危险废物管理

  • EH&S根据适用法律收集和处置危险废物. 未经环境卫生部门事先批准,不得收集、处置或储存危险废物&S. 一般来说,嗯&S将免费收集和处置危险废物给发电部门, 下列单位或废物流除外:
  • 在环境保护局的协助下处置危险废物的辅助单位&S,将收取处理费.

  • Disposal arrangements and disposal fees for wastes classified as liquid industrial waste by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (includes some off-specification commercial chemical products, 工业废水, 被回收的废油, 暴风下水道和卫生下水道的残留物清理, 清理隔油池残留物, 和其他工业废液)将由产生部门负责. EH&处置前必须通知S.

  • 石棉废物的处置安排及处置费用, 包括石棉, 矫正, 和/或删除将由EH负责&S或FM. An Asbestos Waste Shipment Record which complies with applicable National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Standards and applicable Department of Transportation (DOT) Standards and which documents landfill disposal in an approved landfill must be provided to EH&S.

  • Waste generated by contractors and any waste from remodeling or new construction will be the responsibility of the contractor.

  • 有关的“危险废物舱单”副本, 列出十大菠菜台子的“发电机ID号”必须转发给EH&在取件后五(5)个工作日内送达.

  • All employees (including graduate students and/or student employees) performing tasks in an area where Hazardous Wastes are generated or stored must receive 危险废物管理 training.
  • EH&S must be notified of all containers of Hazardous Waste 立即 so that on-site 存储 and/or disposal can be arranged. Unwanted electrical 设备 must be delivered to the University Property Office (Property Office) for recycling unless it is determined that the electrical 设备 cannot be decontaminated. 交付给物业办公室的任何实验室设备必须附有净化证书. 必须安排被污染的设备转移到EH&或作为危险废物拣起处置. A copy of any Hazardous Waste manifests signed at the time of Hazardous Waste disposal must be forwarded to the Laboratory Compliance Manager. 有关危险废物处理的所有问题应直接向环境卫生部门提出&S.

I. 权威

  • The Office of Environmental 健康与安全 shall be notified 立即 of the arrival of representatives and/or inspectors representing local, state or federal regulatory agencies responsible for environmental and/or occupational health and/or life safety.

  • EH&S或其指定人员可以进入处所和其他拥有的区域, 由大学租用或租用以进行视察(已宣布或未宣布), 解决安全隐患, 测试, 维护或修理安全设备, 调查火灾或职业伤害/疾病, 和/或健康或消防安全问题的调查, 问题, 投诉或违规(实际的或潜在的).

  • Upon observing a condition or activity out of compliance with one or more University Compliance Programs, 和/或对人身或财产有其他危险的人, 的是吗&S Staff or their designees may take any/all necessary steps to 1) have the hazardous condition/activity abated/terminated, 2)在此之前保护校园人员和财产. 这可能包括但不限于以下内容:
  • 将该事项(口头或书面)提请任何/所有责任方(包括, 但不限于, 员工立即卷入/受到影响, 他们的主管, 的院长, 董事或部门主管).

  • Allowing a reasonable period of time to correct the situation; perhaps requesting that any/all abatement activities/strategies be provided to EH&完工后的S.
  • 在观察到被视为“immediately dangerous来 l机上娱乐系统或 h健康"(通常称为" IDLH情况")EH&S Staff or their designees have the right and responsibility to shut down whatever operations are impacted/implicated by the hazardous act/condition, 并拒绝访问(包括锁上设备), area, 等.)向任何/所有个人发放,直至情况得到纠正.

  • This authority also applies unequivocally to ANY/ALL outside contractors performing work on the University’s campus.


OU美联社&p# 310建筑改建、翻新和/或改造
